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3.0.12 is out BL187.12


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We are already in Christmas mood! so we fixed some bugs and implemenetd support for new Zutubi Pulse 2.2.x.

Download it at: http://www.plasticscm.com/download/login.aspx

External Release (December 17th 2010)



The ignored rules were not loaded correctly when there were brackets

and other special symbols. Now it is possible to ignore directories

that have (, ), [, ], {, } and other symbols in their names.


If the path is too long, the "Merge needed dialog! could not show the

entire path correctly. This dialog appears when there is a merge needed

during a check in operation. Now the path is shown correctly.

In addtion to this, the dialog has been visually improved.


Several typos fixed in the server and client wizard in Spanish.


Server and client text based configuration wizards: some problems fixed

when passing parameters to the clconfigureserver.exe and

clconfigureclient.exe applications.


Installers: Now it is not needed to restart the Plastic SCM installer

when the .NET Framework dependencies are being installed.


Trac integration: if the Trac server was not running, the GUI was

waiting for a response within a couple of minutes. Now, if it has

no response from Trac in 5-10 seconds, it returns the control to the



Under Linux and Mac, the scrollbars were drawn incorrectly, due to

the transparency of the thumb area. Fixed.


Some typos fixed in the documentation and the command line

interpreter (cm.exe help).


Mergetool: the item specification or paths that are shown now can

be copied by maximizing one of the contributors panel and clicking on

"Copy to clipboard" (mergetool) or right clicking on the item and

selecting "copy to clipboard" (difftool).


SVN Importer: Fixed a problem detecting the SVN ra_API on some

Windows 7 configurations.


Pulse integration: included compatibility with Pulse 2.2

best Regards,

Codice Staff

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