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Active Directory with VPN and remote users

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We have two AD trees in our organization, one sb.exaktime.local and the other exaktime.local in another location. We want the AD user model to use both those trees they share and can see each other. Will Plastic be able to see both those trees for its users?

Also we ideally want to use the AD model for our users but we have two remote developers and one contractor who use our current SC system. Can we still use AD and have them in the AD and still auth? How would their client be setup. With most systems if the AD pass through auth fails it would prompt the user for the AD credentials does Plastic do that?

Our one remote developer works on OS X. He wouldn't be VPN'd if he opened the Plastic client pointed at our server would it fail or would he be prompted for his domain creds?

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Right now our system is only able to work with a tree, unless you're able to set it up at the OS level.

The remote non-windows boxes can authenticate using the LDAP mode: they'll need to specify user and password and after that they'll authenticate correctly. The only "downside" is that they'll need to manually re-enter their password if the central AD authority changes it.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi Luisma,

Plastic uses the Windows network API to resolve your AD user, and looks like behind the vpn your OS is not able to resolve it, the plastic scm client works as the below:

1. User resolution starts by the Plastic Client using the local Operative system API asking for the SID (get SID)

2. OS send the SID to Plastic client, and Plastic client send the SID to Plastic server.

also, try to test if behind the VPN you dont have any DNS resolving issues, commands of interest nslookup and ping "your plasticscm FQDN"


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