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Unable to configure server


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I have been trying to setup plastic for the first time. When double clicking 'clconfigureserver.app' nothing happens. And when running the comand line version I get this error:

Last login: Sun Apr 24 09:55:05 on ttys001
mac:~ gilbert$ /Applications/PlasticSCMServer.app/Contents/Applications/clconfigureserver.app/Contents/MacOS/clconfigureserver ; exit;
####--- Server configuration wizard ---####
Configuring language. These are the available languages: 
1. English
2. Spanish
Choose a language (type a number): 1


Configuring users/security working mode. These are the available modes: 
1. NameWorkingMode
2. NameIDWorkingMode
3. LDAPWorkingMode
4. ADWorkingMode
5. UPWorkingMode
6. TubeWorkingMode
Choose a mode (type a number): 1


Configuring server listening port ...
Server working port [8087]: 

PlasticSCM server has been correctly configured ... 

Plastic SCM comes in two editions: Enterprise for big teams who demand high scalability and Team for groups up to 15 developers. You can learn more about editions in plasticscm.com: 
1. Enterprise
2. Team
3. Cloud
Choose the edition you want to install (type a number): 2


Configuring autorenewal for subscription licenses
License token [Press ENTER to skip]: 
Error: Access to the path "/Applications/PlasticSCMServer.app/Contents/MonoBundle/plasticd.lic" is denied.

[Process completed]

Thanks for any help,


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Hi Gilbert,


Since clconfigureserver is a CLI application you don't need to use the 'open' command. 

This is what you'll need to run:

sudo /Applications/PlasticSCMServer.app/Contents/Applications/clconfigureserver.app/Contents/MacOS/clconfigureserver

Please try that command, we'd appreciate you sharing the results with us.




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