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Merging branches in cloud edition


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From the FAQ:

Can I checkin and merge in Plastic Cloud?
You can checkin directly to Plastic Cloud if you use Plastic Gluon. We think that artists in game development, document writers, project managers and other team members who don't work on code but other assets, will largely benefit from Plastic Gluon + Plastic Cloud. They will be able to perform direct checkins and download only the assets or content files they need. Also, exclusive checkout may be configured to ensure only one person is modifying each file at a given time.
We believe code developers can achieve a better experience by using a distributed workflow with Plastic SCM. This means they're expected to push/pull their changes to the Cloud, but not direct checkin or merge.
The reasons are:
Checkins will only get slower on the Cloud because data will have to travel through the Internet (and hence through a higher latency network), as opposed to performing checkins locally or to a server on your LAN. This is fine for artists and team members working in documents, but it can be a painfully slow for developers who expect super-fast checkins. In short, checking in directly to the Cloud for developers is like going back to the old SVN days.
However, pushing and pulling branches, while it's certainly also affected by network latency, is something you don't do as frequently. This means that the impact of having a distant server is slower. This is the DVCS style of working: many local checkins and then just a push, the same thing that many developers use to do with Git/GitHub.
In short, there isn't a technical limitation that actually forced us to disable direct checkin and merge on Plastic Cloud. We've considered that our users will get a much better experience from DVCS + Plastic Cloud and only having Plastic Gluon users experience direct checkins.
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  • 5 months later...


The merge operation is now supported for the Plastic SCM cloud repositories! :)

You don't need to adopt a distributed workflow if you don't want to, you can use the Plastic SCM server for all the operations.

But, notice than an on-premise/local server will perform better since you save a lot of network distance.

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