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History "Revert to this Version"


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  • 5 months later...

Well... not necessarily. Let me explain our journey.

We started with a single and Mono-MacOS/Linux compliant .NET GUI (one single development with 3 different os targets, magic!). We had it for 6 years (more or less), it was expensive to maintain and Linux/MacOS users didn't like it because it was ugly and didn't feel native (running under x11).

We got rid of it and we decide to build native GUIs for Linux and MacOS (gtkplastic & macplastic), they are still not having the same features as the windows one but they will. We are releasing new features for them every single sprint :)

* Revert is something we're going to implement.

* Code reviews is the last big thing pending to be there.

* Other than the 2 thing above should be small enough to have it implemented in no time. (Even the revert is going to take 1-2 hours)


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