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cm git sync picking the wrong ssh port


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Good day Plastic SCM staff,


I have found a problem with Plastic SCM with the CLI tool picking the wrong ssh port when trying to clone a git repository using a ssh URL on Windows.


C:\PlasticProjects\bitbucket_test>cm sync gittest git ssh://myuser@xyz.com:7999/tst/test_repo1.git
ssh: connect to host xyz.com port 22: Connection refused
Error: An error occurred while connecting to Git: Stream terminated early


I was following this guide:




The cm command doesn't seem to have an option to specify the ssh port. Is there any workaround for this issue?




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Carlos gave me this:

Problem: The ssh server is not in port 22, or I need to use different private keys for different servers.
Solution: You can create a "config" file under your ".ssh" directory specifying different settings for different servers. This is an example of ssh "config" file:
Host gitolite.elegosoft.com
User gitolite
Port 2222
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Host github.com
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github_key
Host bitbucket.org
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

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  • 2 years later...

Can you please add this to the official documentation for plastic under the GIT Sync section? This information only seems to exist here in this one post in the forum. Not only is this useful for port information, but it is very helpful when you need to access a GIT repo where you have to use an SSH key. If this is a supported and valid method that will continue to be available in plastic going forward it would be helpful if it were in the documentation.

Also, the SSH seems to only work on the command line using "cm sync". The documentation says this isn't supported (but only talks about gitsync in the context of the GUI--it would be very helpful to document that this is possible). As an aside, since we can use this on the command line, why don't you allow it via the GUI???

One other note..."cm sync" doesn't work to BitBucket against an empty repo. It indicates that it does work, but when attempting to browse project in BitBucket it fails. However, if the BitBucket project has at least one commit before attempting to sync, then everything works fine. But again, it would be very nice if SSH syncing were possible through the GUI. Couldn't you simply add a check box to the "Sync with Git..." pop up to use SSH (instead of username and password)???


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