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clientcheckin trigger input


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I'm in the process of developing some triggers before we switch to Plastic SCM. One of the triggers I'm developing is the before-clientcheckin/after-clientcheckin and I want to make sure I'm correctly parsing the input. Is the input format the same as before-checkin/after-checkin with the exception that the path is within the workspace instead of a server path? (item_path#br:branch#rev_no;rev_id@rep:rep_name@repserver:server) Or is the input just the path of the file in the workspace?



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Thanks for the quick response Luis, but I'm still unclear on the format of what is provided as the input to the trigger. Is it just the file name or is it everything mentioned on the server-side trigger (file name, revision number & repository)?



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Hi, Andrew:

You're right; I've checked the documentation and it's not pretty clear at this point; we'll take this into account to improve this in the future.

Regarding your question: you only need to specify item paths; it's not necessary to specify revision specifications in client triggers. So,

- Server triggers: revision specifications.

- Client triggers: paths.



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