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SQL Server Crashed and can't get Plastic back up

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I've taken over our I.T. department through attrition and I'm having trouble figuring out what is wrong with our Plastic Server. Our server was installed on our SQL Server that had all of the databases stored on a network drive on a SAN. Those SAN drives crashed and we were forced to rebuild the SQL server. We had backups of the repository databases that we restored once we got a new instance of SQL Server up and going. However, I still can't get Plastic to work. I installed the server component on the SQL Server, but it's not recognizing any of the repository databases. How do I go in and configure this thing? I know very little about plastic.

Thanks ahead of time,


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Hi Ctillman, every time I hear something like database server crash, i got really nervous, because Plastic SCM uses the database backend to store your data, I do hope you have backup and disaster procedures when these things happen, reminding you that it has nothing to do with plastic scm, if the data is there and 100% intact, you will be able to move forward.

Ok, try to figure out why Plastic SCM server is not able to access the new SQL server, have some debug information and look at the Plastic SCM server log file, sometimes it gives clear information what and where to look at, so how to activiat and increase the debug level is explained in this KB:http://www.plasticscm.com/infocenter/technical-articles/kb-enabling-logging-for-plastic-scm-part-i.aspx

Try also to look at your PlasticSCM database configuration file at the ..\plasticscm\server\db.conf

If still stuck, you will need to involve Plastic scm support team.

best of luck!


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