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New GUI 2.0 coming soon


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We're currently working on several open projects which will all end up creating the upcoming Plastic SCM 2.0 release.

The feature we are currently working on is the new GUI. We're about to start using it internally this week, so I expect some usability feedback coming from the team. The new appearance introduces a big change from what you've previously seen in Plastic, trying to hit several targets:

- Create a better interface to handle multiple data views

- Design it to make it attractive to users

- Simplify retrieving information from the tool, making most common operations easier than before

- Open up new integration possibilities with third party tools and even new Codice developments creating some sort of virtual canvas to place windows.

The results of a still really pre-release version can be watched here:


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The new interface looks quite appealing with a lot of potential :)

I have a small concern though... While the "SCM desktop" concept has quite a lot of possibilities, it might be confusing for the users, hiding certain information that might take quite time to be found in the canvas. May I suggest to add some kind of navigator view or zoom in/out features to it? I've seen that in graphic design and modeling (UML) tools. That kind of pseudo-infinite canvas works great with graphic elements, but don't know well how it will behave with GUI elements.

In any case, best of luck for you with the next release and the usability tests of this new GUI. According to the previous releases, I'm sure you'll find the best way to implement it :)

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Hi there!

I've just downloaded your preview from labs.codicesoftware.com and I've to say it looks great!

But I had some problems getting used to the new interface, I mean, I like the looks but it is a bit harder to use. I'd like to use it with some key combinations, and I didn't find the way... Is it going to be present in the final release? Is it going to be documented?



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Hi Hank,

yes, the whole new GUI is not "key-aware" in the preview, but of course the final 2.0 will have the usual shortcuts to navigate windows (CTRL-[sHIFT]-TAB / F6 to switch workspace tabs. CTRL-PGUP/PGDOWN to switch windows, CTRL-[1-9] as shortcuts for the different views, and the usual F2 rename, CTRL-O for checkout, CTRL-I for checkin, etc)



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