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Understand the database files


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Hello again! :)

I was doing my daily work in plastic when I performed a totally wrong merge. Then I tried a lot of things to revert the merge and re-perform it but I did get it done right.

So, I decided to "get my repo from home and bring those files here". I had a lot of problems doing that. My mistake. When I tried to replicate this solution to the "company server" I accidentally forgot that it had another project and the data was lost.

Looking in the plastic folder in the server, I couldn't for my life to know which files where my project repository and the other project.

Now, I did recovery from a day of wrong actions.

From an administration point of view, it's better if I know this information, right?

I don't know if there's a limitation over the file size when using the embedded firebird, but, as a suggestion, you could use a better naming approach for the files, right?

Something like "<rep_name>_<auto-increment_value>".

Just a suggestion! :)

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Hi cidico!

you are really hacking the database!!!! that's good :)

We are not aware of a size limitation in the firebird backend so don't worry about it.

"<rep_name>_<auto-increment_value>" that's very human readable but imagine you change the name of the repository... you also have to rename the database and that is a very very expensive operation.



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The people here at my company says that I should be selling Plastic because my passion to the project... :P

It's a expensive operation but it would be done once. I don't imagine why people would do that several times.

I'm talking about this because plastic creates several files like "REP_1.PLASTIC".FDB, "REP_3.PLASTIC".FDB, "REP_4.PLASTIC".FDB and so on.

And I only have 1 repository in my database, so I think it could be breaking the database across the files. I know that there's a "plastic db" where the program keeps track about a lot of things like security and etc.

Keeping human readable would help (at least for me) recovery for specifics projects. I had a problem few days ago when I just did that...

People when learning tend to do some sh** (as I did), but it's good because I'm learning a lot :)

Thanks for your time :)

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you guys think in everything...

So, the cm lrep only shows the repository. mine is "5 - Frigelar"... this mean that my file is "REP_5.PLASTIC" ?

And the other files that are shown? they are even "large" files, with 66MB. Mine only have 26MB.

If I need to recovery, my project is only in rep_5, right? Just to clarify! :)

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Hi cidico,

yes! the five number means that is the REP_3.PLASTIC repository file.

If you are playing with adding and moving repositories you might want to take a look into this commands:

cm lrep

cm addrep

cm removerepository

and the following entry of the administration guide: http://www.plasticsc...m#_Toc271128111

One question, what do you mean with "And the other files that are shown? they are even "large" files, with 66MB. Mine only have 26MB. ". Can you show us the command output?



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the rest of files are "removed" repositories. I said "removed" due to they are not really removed, they are just not linked to PlasticSCM, you can always re-link them again without loosing data.

You will find more info about it on the previous links.



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