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Posts posted by Xorcist

  1. I've run GitSync against Azure Devops many times, today I tried to push out a brand new repository and received a 500, details in the log show:

    2022-08-30 15:36:01,159 MAXETATECH\JHorvath ERROR sync - Error running sync: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.. StackTrace:
       at LibGit2Sharp.HttpTransport.NegotiationStepEnd()
       at LibGit2Sharp.Remote.Upload(PackBuilder pb, IEnumerable`1 updates)
       at Codice.Foreign.GitPusher.Upload(List`1 updateRefs)
       at Codice.Client.BaseCommands.Sync.GitSynchronizer.Push(List`1 localChangesetsToPush)
       at Codice.Client.BaseCommands.Sync.SyncRunner.RunGitSync(SyncStorage storage, String gitMainBranchName, Boolean bJustPrint)
       at Codice.Client.BaseCommands.Sync.SyncRunner.RunSync(SyncSettings settings, RepositoryInfo repInfo)
       at Codice.Client.BaseCommands.Sync.SyncRunner.Sync()

    Any ideas why this may be? My Azure Devops Personal Access Token has full access rights and is not expired.

  2. So I guess my only "free" option at this point would be to setup cloud edition on both machines and store my code in three places (one of which being offsite and limited to 5GB).

    I assume I could purchase a single Enterprise License for $262 a year (and upgrade my existing servers) to continue to work offline (within my own LAN), and of course I could interface that with a free cloud account if I wanted to have offsite repositories.


  3. Will the new Cloud Edition affect existing free Personal Licenses (which basically use the Team Edition with a single user license)? How long will the Team Edition be supported for? I have my personal license setup on my laptop as well as desktop and regularly sync changes between them for redundancy and to debug my game builds in both environments. Will the Cloud Edition allow me to work completely offline in the same capacity, or will everything need to sync through the cloud server?

  4. So I did some confirmation testing, and it looks like it will fire multiple times... I might be able to write a script to fire a gitsync after one or more replicationwrites are detected on the repo (which I would extract from the PLASTIC_BRANCH environment variable), but only after a period of inactivity. Which would hopefully be enough to indicate that the complete sync is finished.

    What are the chances we could get a new triggers for before-sync and after-sync added into Plastic SCM? Is this a feasible trigger?

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