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Posts posted by diegohb

  1. This is what I'm using in lieue of mergebot for now..  (powershell executed from teamcity)


    Set-PSDebug -Trace 1;
    $mergeResult = cm merge br:%vcsroot.branch% -c "Integrate latest from main." --to=br:%teamcity.build.branch% --merge --shelve --machinereadable --nointeractiveresolution --printcontributors
    $mergeResult = $mergeResult -join "|";
    IF ($mergeResult.Contains("ALREADY_CONNECTED") -eq $false) {
    	$hasChanges = $true
        $hasConflict = $mergeResult.Contains("CONFLICT") -eq $true;
        IF ($mergeResult.Contains("CHANGESET") -eq $true -or $mergeResult.Contains("SHELVE") -eq $true) {
    		$mergeable = $true
        ELSE {
        	$mergeable = $false
    ELSE {
    	$hasChanges = $false
    IF ($hasChanges -eq $true -and $mergeable -eq $false) {
    	cm attribute set att:status br:%teamcity.build.branch% conflicted
        Write-Host "##teamcity[buildProblem description='$mergeResult' identity='merge-conflict-detected']"
        Write-Host "##teamcity[buildStatus status='SUCCESS' text='Success. CONFLICTED.']"
    ELSEIF ($hasChanges -eq $true -and $mergeable -eq $true) {
        cm attribute set att:status br:%teamcity.build.branch% merge-ready
        IF ($hasConflict -eq $true) {
        	$suffix = " Conflict auto-resolved.";
        Write-Host "##teamcity[buildStatus status='SUCCESS' text='Success.$suffix']"
    ELSEIF ($hasChanges -eq $false) {
        cm attribute set att:status br:%teamcity.build.branch% merge-ready
        Write-Host "##teamcity[buildStatus status='SUCCESS' text='Success']"


  2. Yes but can't find the configuration admin pages for it.. 

    also, I am a fan of the integration role model where builds are carefully put together from finished/tested branches instead of letting the sequencing of builds to rely on when developers complete the work (trunk-based model).  In my case, most times integrator will create the merges to main merging 2 or more branches to generate a build but in some cases it will be convenient to merge single branch directly from teamcity.

  3. When trying to merge from branch to main using teamcity "merge branch", the following error occurs:

    Merging process failed: Failed to merge sources in VCS root DummyPlasticVCSRoot. Merge error Cannot find a VCS name of the branch '/main/task013' in VCS root "DummyPlasticVCSRoot" {instance id=70, parent internal id=8, parent id=Testing_DummyPlasticVCSRoot, description: "PlasticSCM: br:/main@TestVCSRepo.One@****@cloud"}, build #33.122 {build id=817, buildTypeId=Testing_DummyBuild}. Skip merging this VCS root sources..



  4. How can I simulate a merge from main into a branch for the purpose of knowing if there is or isn't any merge-conflicts (which I plan to persist as a branch attribute) ? It's essentially what happens with automatic merge in teamcity using the plugin but I'd like to not actually perform the merge into main.


    The merge would typically be 2-5 branches at a time into a single commit (also don't know how to do this via command line) and after some thought, was thinking maybe there's a way to accomplish this into a shelveset at main that would serve as the dry-run of the merge which would also provide the binary output "can all outstanding branches be merged without conflict".

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