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Posts posted by curlruksun

  1. In most of the case you don't need to delete your workspace, just close the GUI, open a command line window, cd to your workspace path and run a "cm update ." command. If this is not productive you can delete your "C:\..\wkPath\.plastic\plastic.wktree" and repeat the update.


    I had a repository and workspace both named "Test". When I rename the repository in PlasticSCM to "RenamedTest" and then try to select the Branches or BranchExplorer options for the "Test" workspace, I get: "The specified repository could not be found: Test."


    If I try to run "cm update ." before and after deleting the plastic.wktree file in the Test workspace folder, I get "The specified repository could not be found: Test."


    So is there a way to rename a repository without deleting all associated workspaces and creating new workspaces?

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