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Posts posted by holyfuzz

  1. Thanks for the replies!


    My question is really about licensing. Obviously, my company can't afford to pay for a license for every customer who has read access to the repo. Is there any kind of licensing available where only users with write access require a paid license?


    We can't really use GitHub for this, because of both Git scaleability issues with binary assets and GitHub's restrictions on repository size and file size.

  2. Hello,


    My company is developing a video game, and we would like to provide every player who buys our game read-only access to our entire source code & asset history (via whichever SCM solution we end up choosing). Does PlasticSCM support read-only access to a repo by potentially tens-of-thousands of users?


    PlasticSCM looks pretty great for game development, but the ability to share our repo with our paying customers is a hard requirement.



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