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Posts posted by Lumz

  1. Hi,

    Yes commercial plastic license.

    Plastic replica ? What is it ? I don't believe we do.

    I've tried to edit, but didn't succeed. The Guid is not present in any of the fields of the database yet the error remains. I've restored everything after that.

    We've tried to migrate using cm from the old mysql to the new server using JET and it ends with EOF error.

    Also tried to create a package using cm and this is where the error with the GUID appeared.

  2. We're in the mist of moving a old plasticscm server backed by a MySQL database over to a different machine using a newer version of the plastic server backed by JET.

    The problem we have is that it prints "The guid for the object 564891 has not been found." for one of the projects and doesn't create the package as intended. When I look into the MySQL db (right rep_xxx) I can find that number in the columns revisionmerge.fidsourcerevision and revisionmerge.fiddestinationrevision but not anywhere else. I guess somehow a foreign key was broken.

    Should we simply edit the db to remove those entries ? It also seem that there are references from those entries into linkrealization. What else can we do ?


  3. Hi,

    I'm trying to figure out what would the destination workspace be in a specific case of merge inside a before-clientcheckin trigger.

    When I have local changes I can use stdin to find changed files and use cm status on the right workspace but when I have pending merge links (PLASTIC_PENDING_MERGE_LINKS) and no input in stdin (no local changes) I cannot think of a way that gives me the destination workspace.

    It has to be a before-clientcheckin.

    Any ideas ?


  4. Hi,

    I've been trying to install a before-clientcheckin trigger and successfully did so until I added a couple of lines to my .bat file.

    Since I've added a msbuild.exe command to the script the cm ci command is just hanging forever. So is the GUI if I try to checkin from there. The .bat file is running fine from cmd.exe. I also tried to read the log after setting the .conf file and it seems to get stuck on a cryptic:

    2016-12-05 13:56:39,639 DEBUG Channel - Purging connection to plastic://pickledwarf-pc:8087/BranchHandler
    2016-12-05 13:56:39,639 DEBUG Channel - Purging connection to plastic://pickledwarf-pc:8087/RepositoryHandler
    2016-12-05 13:56:39,639 DEBUG Channel - Purging connection to plastic://pickledwarf-pc:8087/TriggerHandler

    Anyone knows what this is about ?

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