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Posts posted by wnicholls

  1. Tabs are a well-understood concept - but NESTED tabs?  Having two different widgets for two different purposes helps separate them.

    Everyone's use case is going to be different but personally I am comfortable with the 6.0 drop down. 

    On the other hand, I've found the way global views - workspaces, repositories - mix in with the things like 'items in workspace' , to be really stupid:

    This clutters up the workspace view for starters, and with multiple workspaces they get lost.  The obvious way is for this to be some kind of "Global views" set of tabs.  Not sure if that will be significantly more usable - don't just take my opinion.  In some respects they are really singleton views - why have more than one open?  - and should behave  like Preferences does - I mean here not so much the popup window, but that clicking on "Workspaces" in the sidebar would bring up THE workspaces view.   Of course, other people might like to have multiple views with different filters set. Not that you can really do that successfully now.


  2. A "select top 100 " type of filter would be a much more useful default. I'd probably never change it from that.

    I operate a small custom software development company. Customers can go for months to years between changes being made to their software, so this is a very common scenario for me:  (1) open up a repository that hasn't been touched in several months  (2) go to see the history of the project -   more often than not, the changeset view is empty at this point.  I then have to make a wild guess as to what date to put in to the filter to get to see something.

    Even if the repository is YEARS old, the default view of the change set should show something.  Without experimenting and thinking through, I'm not sure what the consequences would be, but certainly when you create a workspace for the first time, you can set the filter to whatever you like, and actually if a literal date is remembered now, then as time goes on with an active project, the list of change sets is going to get longer and longer yet the developers are usually only going to be interested in the top few.


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