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Posts posted by Alejandro

  1. Thanks, Rafael.


    This sounds pretty promising:


    I find some problems with the distributed workflow:

    1.  I'ts a bit anoying to have to push/pull. And easy to forget to do it
    2. When you "pull" you will still have to wait for it to download the new stuff over the network. With the proxy approach, the server could be downloading contintinuously in  background so, when the user wants to update, the data is already downloaded.


    I have tried to set up a proxy in my own PC, but looks like it was asking me for a license.

  2. Hi,

    I'm working from home, and my internet connection is not great.

    Our repo history is pretty big, but I think it should be possible to do some operations faster if the whole repo history was stored localy. For example, switching to older changesets, or undoing my local changes are some common operations that take a long time.

    I thought of two appraches: 1) setting up proxy server in my PC, or 2) using the distributed version of plastic.

    What would you recommend for my use case?



  3. I ended up creating a new branch and then cherrypicking the changesets on by one.

    Also tried "cherrypick from this branch" but it also brough in the changes from the parent branch.

    I though of substractive merge but it didn't show up in the context menu.

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