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Posts posted by SunSailor75

  1. No, I don't think that is the whole truth. I don't have access to the server license, as I'm an employer to the company licensing the enterprise edition. So I don't have a license file or such to run the local server on the enterprise level. However, I'm a paying subscriber to the cloud edition, where - as it seems to me - a seperate server is provided, as it listens on the 8084 by default and not the 8087, like the enterprise server.

    At work, the git like two step workflow is not used, because they are handling a big chunk of binary data, working with Unreal. I on the other side am, working with Unity, which uses text files for serialization. Therefor, and because the connection issues I sometimes encounter, would like to keep the two step workflow for the cloud based projects.

    If I try to work with the existing configuration, the sync view tries to connect with a server at, which doesn't respond, as there is none. What I need now - at least from my understanding - is a local server licensed to your cloud service, just as the cloud edition provides. Or may this be only a configuration issue? At least it didn't run out of the box after installing the enterprise client on my machine with the previous cloud edition. The only server running locally runs at 8087, is an enterprise one and expects a license before expiring from the evaluation period.

    I can run the cloud projects with the one step workflow, so I don't have a problem to connect with the cloud projects in general. I'm "simply" missing the local server between the client and the cloud to be utilized for cloud projects, while the enterprise server hosted by my employee uses the single step workflow.

  2. Hi there,
    I'm using the cloud plan for my private projects in Unity for some time now. After being stuck with Git for a while at work, I was moved to a project, which uses Plastic SCM as well.

    Now I need to access both from one client, as there seems to be no way to install them side by side.

    In the enterprise client, I log in and can work without any problems, so far so good.

    Creating a fresh repository in the cloud works as well as one step commit/update, but I don't have the local server features with push and pull I used to have. Accessing the old sync views, it reports me, that the repositories are not available there. Further, the local server tells me, it would be a test license only, which expires soon, as well it listened by default on 8087 instead of 8084 as before.

    Am I missing something here beyond my understanding of the system or is this use case not expected by Plastic SCM? I really would like to continue to work with the two step approach in my private projects, as sometimes the internet connection here is a bit unreliable at the hours I can work on them.

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