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Posts posted by Joevin

  1. Hi Carlos,


    In my trigger I already have a messabebox to notify what is wrong in this pending with all the details I can provide to the user.

    So this message is not verry useful in my process.

    Is there a way to cancel my checkin process with another way ? 

    so that I can return 0 every time in my trigger and juste cancel the checkin process differently






  2. Hi,


    I have a plastic trigger (before-clientcheckin) to check if my pending changes are valid.

    Something like:

    if (IsPendingValid())
    	return  0
    	return 1

    If my pending are valid I have no issue my trigger return 0 and my pending are checkin.

    but if it's not, my trigger return 1 and I have this error window telling me that my trigger fail.


    Is There a solution to returning 1 and to have my pending not checkin and not having this error window ?







  3. Hi,

    Thanks for your reply, it's really helping.

    Now that I have my input from my trigger, I have the feeling of having bad information given by plastic.

    I made a change on a file and checking it.

    The before-clientcheckin return me something like that

    CH "MyWorkspacePath" DIR

    I was expecting to have like a list of change or something like a "cm status" command

    Do you know if it's the expected behavior or a problem ?



  4. Hello,
    I want to create a before-clientcheckin Trigger to check if user don't push changed empty files.
    For that i have created a C# dll that i run with dotnet
    I have created my trigger like that :
    cm trigger create before-clientcheckin "Check Empty Files" "dotnet MyLocalServer/MyDLL.dll"


    From that script i want to access to the standart input to get the list of pending changes.
    I assume it passed as arguments for the scripts but in my script i have nothing.
    my script is just a simple scripts and i there i'm just copy the arguments in a txt file for testing :


    using System;
    static int Main(string[] args)
        return 0;


    At this point i don't know what a can do to get the Standard Output.
    How can i do ? 
  5. Hello,
    I want to create a before-clientcheckin Trigger to check if user don't push changed empty files.
    For that i have created a C# dll that i run with dotnet
    I have created my trigger like that :
    cm trigger create before-clientcheckin "Check Empty Files" "dotnet MyLocalServer/MyDLL.dll"


    From that script i want to access to the standart input to get the list of pending changes.
    I assume it passed as arguments for the scripts but in my script i have nothing.
    my script is just a simple scripts and i there i'm just copy the arguments in a txt file for testing :
    using System;
    static int Main(string[] args)
        return 0;
    At this point i don't know what a can do to get the Standard Output.
  6. Hi,

    I don't want to make another thread but do you have any idea why i can't get the standrout outpout with my C# script ? 

    It's a simple C# script :


    using System;
    class Program
        static int Main(string[] args)
            return 0;

    And i'm creating the trigger like mentioned previously.

    Any Thoughts ? 







  7. Hello,

    I'm trying to configure Plastic Trigger for our production to check if user don't push broken files (like empty file).
    I'have made a C# dll that i have stored on our local server (i don't know if it's the right way but for testing it's ok i guess)

    So i have use the cm commad :
    cm trigger create before-clientcheckin "check files" "dotnet MyLocalServer/MyDLL.dll" 

    And instantly it's working for all the production and if it's not it blocking all the production

    Do you know if i can configure it only in one repository or just for me ?


  8. Hello,

    I'm starting using mergebot and I'm having some issues configuring Jira and Jenkins Plugs
    They disconnect themself every time 30 sec after lauching them.

    For Jira I'm using Jira Cloud so instead of the password I'm using the API Token and the mail of my Jira account



    And for Jenkins I'm using an account that i have created especially for Plastic 



    Do you have any idea what am i'm doing wrong or how can i solve this ? 



    Joevin Ferret

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