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Posts posted by EiraChris

  1. The Discord trigger doesn't seem to work?

    No matter what settings I use with the trigger nothing ever gets posted to Discord.

    EDIT: Okay so I've just created a new branch and for the first time I received an error within Plastic SCM regarding the trigger. After adding or deleting a branch I receive the following error:


    The trigger after-rmbranch [after-rmbranchdiscord] failed.

    {"message": "Cannot send an empty message", "code": 50006}.

    I'm going to do a test checkin to see if that also returns an error now.

    EDIT 2: Okay so it seems committing some files does now return an error too which is handy! Not sure what's changed since last night, because no errors were being returned previously. It's a good thing though, as it'll help diagnose the issue.

    The error I received after running a checkin is the same as with the other triggers:


    The trigger after-checkin [after-checkindiscord] failed.

    {"message": "Cannot send an empty message", "code": 50006}.

    The checkin did contain a comment, as did my previous tests so I'm not sure why the error is stating the trigger is trying to send an empty message?

    EDIT 3: It's also worth noting that the errors don't popup when doing a checkin from within Unity using the Plastic SCM Plugin for Unity (beta) v1.4.2 so this could be why I hadn't seen these errors last night.

    EDIT 4: Okay I've found a workaround, switching the triggers from Discord to the standard Webhook trigger in the cloud triggers interface (i.e. Delete Discord triggers and then add them again via Add Trigger > Webhook) seems to then work. The formatting of the message in Discord isn't great but at least the triggers are now being sent to Discord.

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