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Posts posted by _benui

  1. Nevermind it seems that "Undo unchanged" does the trick.

    It would really help new users if some of the following existed:

    • The operation called "Blah" in Perforce is called "Something" in Plastic SCM
    • A tooltip on "Undo unchanged" to explain what it does
    • Text next to "Undo unchanged" to make it clear whether it will apply to all files, or just selected. How many files this will affect etc.
  2. Hi I'm a new Plastic SCM user, coming to it with Git and Perforce experience.

    I had two copies of a local set of files, and copied one on top of the other to make sure that I had all of the files. Plastic SCM seems to have automatically checked out all of the files within these folders. However 90% of them are identical.

    How can I revert or cancel my checkout on all the identical files, so I can only submit those with changes? In Perforce I would do this with "Revert if unchanged" or "Reconcile offline work".

    There are thousands of files and I don't want to do diff and revert each one manually. Also I don't want to make a commit with thousands of files where only a few are changed.


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