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Posts posted by JoeGatling

  1. I have an issue with how the Pending Changes tab works that makes me a bit nervous when checking in or undoing changes. Here is an image that illustrates the problem:


    There are two undo options that behave differently and affect different files. The one in the top toolbar applies to the checked files, and the context menu version applies to the selected files. This trips me up every time, and I am always a bit unsure as to what is to happen. 

    After thinking about it for a while, I realized is that core issue is that Plastic is using two different ways of defining what is selected, and the UI somewhat arbitrarily decides which method to use.

    My Suggestions: 

    1. Get rid of the checkboxes altogether, and in all instances use the highlighted files. This will clear up any ambiguity.
    2. Change the menu text to "Undo Selected" and add a tooltip to the Undo button with the same.
    3. Disable the Checkin and Undo button if there are no files selected.


  2. I am seeing the issue on both my Mac and Windows PC. Both are using the new UI, but the issue was present even before the recent update to the windows client that causes it.

    I cannot find a file called plastic.debug.log.txt in that folder. Do I need to do something to enable logging? Where would I find the equivalent file on my Mac?

    For added clarity, I have captured a video of the issue (Captured on the PC client).  As you can see when I try to pull the main branch of the project I am presented with repeated auth expiration errors. The only workaround have discovered is to go to the cloud page and refresh from there. That will cause the login popup to appear.


  3. Hello,

    I am running into a frustrating usability issue with Plastic. Every hour or so my auth token expires resulting in the following error message whenever I try to push and pull. 



    An error occurred during replication: The auth token expired. User [email address]

    The extra frustrating part is that it doesn't seem to fix itself until I navigate to the cloud sync page, and click the refresh button from there. Only then does the login popup occur that allows me to reauthenticate.   This turns almost every push/pull operation an annoying sequence of clicking on things.

    Is it normal that my auth token would expire so frequently, and/or is there any way to make the login popup appear more reliably?

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