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Posts posted by RichardNightschool

  1. Hi Ollie, Thanks for looking into it. 

    I realized I left something out.

    After switching change set I was pressing the update button in the top right. I thought it was 'Applying the new changeset' but it was just updating back to the latest changeset. Still weird that it said there were pending changes when their weren't though.

    I'll try that cm command report back


  2. If I switch to a changeset and then try switch again it says I can't switch while there are pending changes, but there are no pending changes. I have to randomly checkout a file then 'undo' the check out before it will let me switch change sets again. 

    I'm on v11.0.16.6683







  3. Been really struggling with this. The only viable approach of found is to switch to a change set before the file was deleted, then I can right click on the file and look at its history to find the exact change set where it was deleted. Once I found the change set there still seems to be no way to revert the file to the state before the delete? 

    I also wish I could get to the file history through the changeset viewer, instead when I right click on a file all I see is 'Diff'


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