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Posts posted by LegedaryLiam23

  1. So I have a Unity project that I have been working on for some months now. Prior to my switch to Plastic, my teammate and I were using Unity Collab to work on the project together.

    After switching to Plastic, I made a few changes and checked them into the local repo. Before syncing to cloud, Plastic told me that I should pull incoming changes, which were the 37 changesets we had made using Collab. Pulling caused no changes to my project, as I already had those changes on my computer. After pulling, I have been attempting to sync the most recent changes to the cloud, however I get the following error: "The source branch has two heads. Merge from cs:51fea8e5-3a76-4bbf-b648-070ad2e89a13 to br:/main to unify the heads".

    I understand why it is giving me this issue, however I am not sure what to do. Under branch explorer, there is only a single branch. When i look at changesets, It goes 1, 2, then jumps to 40, which is the most recent change. I have no clue to where to locate cs:51fea8e5-3a76-4bbf-b648-070ad2e89a13 in order to perform the merge. I have tried merging all of the visible changes sets and all of the bubbles shown in the branch explorer, however it always tells me the the files are already there and there is nothing to merge.

    I have some similar posts to my situation, however I have not been able to solve my issue by looking through them. I am still very new to working with Plastic, and I would really appreciate some help to get my project back on track.

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