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Posts posted by yourchingoo

  1. Hello,

    I'm very new to Plastic and have been running into a problem with the merge tool. How our team operates with Plastic at the moment is that we have each person working on a separate branch of our Unity project and whenever a sprint is finished we merge all of our changes together on /main. 

    We followed all the steps for implementing the merge tools here:


    But when I try to merge the .unity files, there's actually an error with mergetool definition. I changed "mergetool" to the macmergetool file path (I am using a mac) to resolve the error, but that's besides the point. Why would "mergetool" be called instead of the UnityYAMLMerge executable? 



    Here is my Merge Tools settings:


    And here is my client.conf:

          <string>mergetool -b="@basefile" -bn="@basesymbolic" -bh="@basehash" -s="@sourcefile" -sn="@sourcesymbolic" -d="@destinationfile" -dn="@destinationsymbolic" -t="@filetype" -i="@comparationmethod" -e="@fileencoding" -sh="@sourcehash" -dh="@destinationhash" -r="@output" -a -m="@mergetype" -re="@resultencoding"</string>
          <string>binmergetool -b="@basefile" -bn="@basesymbolic" -bh="@basehash" -s="@sourcefile" -sn="@sourcesymbolic" -sh="@sourcehash" -d="@destinationfile" -dh="@destinationhash" -a -r="@output" -m="@mergetype"</string>
          <string>"/Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.30f1/Unity.app/Contents/Tools/UnityYAMLMerge" merge -p "@basefile" "@sourcefile" "@destinationfile" "@output"</string>
          <string>"/Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.30f1/Unity.app/Contents/Tools/UnityYAMLMerge" merge -p "@basefile" "@sourcefile" "@destinationfile" "@output"</string>
          <string>"/usr/local/bin/macmergetool" -b="@basefile" -bn="@basesymbolic" -bh="@basehash" -s="@sourcefile" -sn="@sourcesymbolic" -d="@destinationfile" -dn="@destinationsymbolic" -t="@filetype" -i="@comparationmethod" -e="@fileencoding" -sh="@sourcehash" -dh="@destinationhash" -r="@output" -a -m="@mergetype" -re="@resultencoding"</string>
            <string>binmergetool -s="@sourcefile" -sn="@sourcesymbolic" -d="@destinationfile" -dn="@destinationsymbolic"  -a -t="@filetype" -i="@comparationmethod" -e="@fileencoding"</string>


    Some clarity on this issue would be appreciated. Thank you!

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