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Posts posted by Strom

  1. I'm working on a relatively big team with Unreal Engine, but since there is no Unreal section on the forums I thought I'd ask here. The issue should be similar anyways.  

    - We're doing branching for each task, which works mostly fine. 
    - When doing a rebase, sometimes you get the changes to the .dll and .exe files that need to be merged in, then we have to rebuild them and merge back into the main branch.

    Is there a better workflow? Like, a way for binary files to not be tracked by some people, but still be rebuilt on merge?
    Our main issue using this is that the plugins folder in Unreal gets rebuilt and sometimes breaks things. So earlier on, we limited who can do plugin merges. Now the issue is of course, most people can't do the merges themselves because if there is a change in a plugin, it needs to be rebased by people who have that permission.  

    Is there a way to rebase only some files?
    Or a way for some people to track changes to the executable files while other people don't?  Artists need the latest executables, but programmers don't, since they rebuild them each time.

    Just wondering if there is a better alternative. Thanks.

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