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Posts posted by GraemeRock

  1. I have a lot of files that get generated like this (image 1). Plastic believes the lines are changes when browsing them, but opening up the diff for any of them reveals that Plastic believes they are unchanged.

    I have changed my settings to scan the files for differences and ignore EOL and whitespace.


    Plastic believing there's a change in the file:


    Then believing there is not a change:


  2. It wouldn't be as much of a problem if it didn't mean I needed to sift through many many files to check for actual changes.

    I also discovered that when switching branches: if I explicitly undo Hidden Changes (Show Hidden Files, then Undo for all), and my teammate does not do that, there are inconsistencies between the workspaces that lead to checksum errors, even if we both clean and rebuild our projects. So something is very wonky with Hidden files.

    I believe I understand how Hidden vs Cloaked files are supposed to function, and these Hidden files seem to be acting more like Cloaked or ignored files, if they are unchanged when switching between branches, correct?


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