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Posts posted by MerijnAtWonderment

  1. Me and my team are working on a framework that we need to maintain independent of the projects that implement it. The most obvious choice to use here was XLink but i'm having some issues setting it up.

    So to start with we create a new project and link it to the framework with a partial (non writable) XLink in the cli like this: 

    cm xlink Assets/_Framework /Assets/_Framework lb:Release@repo@our_cloud_location@cloud

    This works usually. Now we check in the new xlink and update the workspace to load in the assets and scripts from the framework.

    Now when the framework gets updated with a check in, i can switch to the newest changeset by editing the xlink and checking it in but as soon as i try to update the workspace it doesn't import any of the changes made.

    Now what does work is the following in the terminal: cm xlink -e Assets/_Framework {changeset_number}@_Framework@our_cloud_location@cloud

    Is there a way to automate this last step from inside of the editor? I've been trying to add menu in Unity to run a bash script which executes the command but i always get a "/bin/bash: cm: command not found" exception. When i try to run the cmdrunner inside of unity i always get the following exception: Native error= Cannot find the specified file.

    How come i can run these commands in my terminal and in shell but not in the Editor with a process/shellrequest? I'm very much out of my depth here so any pointers would be appreciated :)

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