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Novack last won the day on February 13 2023

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  1. Made that like 3 weeks ago, the situation is solved, thanks
  2. Recently the company where I work moved to cloud version, and Im facing an error that wont let me connect to the repo (other people in the company can connect normally): I have tried increasing the time out as the error suggests, to no avail: it just takes longer to reach the same error. I have tried removing and reinstalling. Have tried deleting the AppData\Local\plastic4 folder between reinstalls. Have tried adding plastic.exe to Windows firewall. Have tried connecting with and without SSL. Have tried with new and legacy clients. No results. This is a showstopper for me at the moment, and not sure what other things I can do to solve the situation. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  3. Also a column with the file extensions would be quite useful for visualization and sorting by type. The comparison/merge file views are a bit lacking imho.
  4. Hello, another thing is not saved, is the width of the options panel.
  5. Hello there. Just a small request: would be very useful to have the file size in the warning text and/or in a column:
  6. Hello @ollieblanks, thank your for your answer. You got it right, I'd like to always show the Branch Explorer on start. The old GUI remembers the last pane on display at the moment of quiting the application, while the new GUI always starts on Workspace Explorer.
  7. Hello there. I'd like to know if there is any option to define the default view pane to show on start on the new GUI? Thanks.
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