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Donald Newlands

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Posts posted by Donald Newlands

  1. Aha! I see now that in Workspace mode, "Delete" has a "do not delete from disk" option. 

    This is a bit confusing. Perhaps it would be clearer if it was called "delete from repository" instead?

    Thanks for your help!


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  2. Hi,

    If I see a file in "Pending Changes" in Plastic SCM and add it to ignore.conf, I should expect it to disappear from "Pending Changes", correct?

    I think it's partially working because if I select a filetype that I've already added to ignore.conf, "ignore" is grayed out in the right click menu and when I go to the Workspace view, those files and folders show as "ignored".

    -Donald Newlands


  3. If I make a new workspace in Gluon, and start typing the name of a new repository in the repository field, all of the other fields are automatically filled in as if it's going to create the repository and the workspace in the right location on disk.  But if you hit OK without first hitting "new" and filling in the name of the repository again... Gluon will assign a repository at random to the new workspace.  It's really messed up and easy to repeat.  

    There should be a checkbox instead of a "new" button for creating new repositories through the "New Workspace" dialog, or "New Repository" should be a separate menu item.


  4. Apparently the files we couldn't check in had "private" sidecar files with them that were left over from a previous iteration of the workspace.  Our workspaces frequently disappear from Gluon and we have to re-create them.  We always delete the .plastic file from the root folder but it seems we also need to delete the .private(?) files as well. 

    I was able to fix things by temporarily renaming the files, deleting the .private files in Explorer and then using the "delete" function in Gluon with the "do not delete files on disk" option.  Then we renamed the files back to the original name and refreshed and the files showed up to be added normally.


  5. Hi,

    I have two files that inexplicably are "Locked by 'donald" when I try to do a checkin in Gluon.  When I run the command line cm unlock <guid>, there is no error but the files stay locked.  The files show up in the lock list under the repository, but if I do cm hist <guid>, cm says the files are not in my workspace?  

    I am an administrator... what else can I do?

    A few comments:

    1. I really wish there was a GUI for this.  Copying and pasting GUIDs seems like a waste of time.  
    2. It would be really helpful if the Gluon workspace list could display guids - it would take some of the work out of finding them
    3. the cm utility should have a "verbose" mode.  I can't tell when I run "cm lock <guid>" if the command has completed successfully or not.  (If I enter a non-existant GUI the command still completes with no message as if it did something


  6. Hi, 

    We need to keep a file server folder updated with the latest files in our repository.  Is there a way to set up the Plastic server to automatically pull files as they are committed?

    We'd like to use Plastic for an animation project where we'll use Plastic Gluon at remote workstations but files on our central file server need to be continuously updated where they can be accessed by rendering nodes and by backup file servers.  We could use a Plastic client at the server location and create a workspace on the file server, but we'd rather have it run automatically.  


  7. Hi,

    We use Plastic SCM and Gluon with mostly binary Unreal Engine files: one machine in the studio runs SCM and the rest run Gluon. Several times we've had the same problem come up: SCM will claim that a merge (or branch) is required when checking in files, even when the changed files are not in any of the chagesets in the repository:

    On Monday, Machine A and machine B were in sync.
    On Tuesday, Machine A checks in a new version of file X using Gluon. 
    On Wednesday, Machine B attempts to check in new versions of files Y and Z in SCM and we get a message that we need to merge files or make a new branch before we can check in!

    I have resorted to manually copying the changed files out of the project on the machine running SCM, doing an "undo", syncing the project and then copying the files back into the project!???

    It seems inexplicable that Plastic SCM does not say which files are causing the conflicts when these message pop up or offer a simple way to resolve them (when in doubt, the files on machine B should take precedence, etc) -- I must be missing something obvious.  

    Why would SCM be requiring a merge when there are no files in conflict as far as we know? (it would be super great if, when the "merge?" prompt comes up, Plastic listed the files that it thinks are out of sync. The last time I clicked "merge" to see what happens, it was super slow (binary files), file by file (no "skip all", etc) and gave me no better idea of why the merge was required in the first place.

    When it happened this evening, I made a new branch, which might be fine except now everyone in the studio using Gluon has to find the branch or I need to figure out how to make the merge work before they get to work...  What is the recommended workflow for binary files in conflict?  Should we branch and then merge the branch using "cherry pick"?

    Thanks for your help!

    -Donald Newlands

  8. I'm having a similar issue:

    In UE 4.19 I committed changes but got an general error, went to Plastic SCM to checkin and was told that a merge was needed (on files that I had not checked out and were not in the pending changes list).  I set merge to revert to source on all the proposed merge files and was left with a "pending merge link" in Pending Changes.  It says that the pending merge links will be commited when I checkin my changes or undo my changes.  However, when I try to checkin, I get an error that I cannot checkin due to the pending merge link and I don't want to undo - I'll lose 4 hours of work! 

    I'm going to copy the files out of the project and try undoing.  This is incredibly frustrating.


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