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Elite popcorn

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Everything posted by Elite popcorn

  1. Hi. This might have been asked quite a lot of times, but I couldn't search any posts with the keywords "amend", "fixup" and whatnot. So anyway, here it goes. Is there any way to modify previous changesets? It doesn't necessarily have to be fixing up a changeset in the middle of the lineage. (like the interactive rebase feature in terms of git) But I am just wondering if there is a way to add more changes to the last changeset that I just have checked in. (like `commit --amend`) These days, I personally happen to end up checking in a changeset and having to add some amend patches only few minutes later the changeset has been made. Whenever I have to modify a previous changeset, I have to move the changeset into a temp branch, try to cherrypick/merge the changeset onto the main branch, before checking in, shelve the content, making it lose its connection to the original changeset, and then I apply the shelve I just created. This is kinda frustrating, and I want to know if there's any way to fix up previous changesets (or at least the last one I just made). I know PlasticSCM is not git, and the philosophy this tool is upon is kinda against rewriting the history. But I hope it would be awesome if I can just amend my last changeset. :) Thanks and have a nice day
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