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Everything posted by DavidBVal

  1. It seems like we caused some complex bugs in a past update, and we'd like to remove the changes done in two old changesets, but then add again all the posterior changesets (see attached image, what we want is to entirely remove the red-slashed changesets) How should we do it? Please provide somewhat detailed steps, we only know the basics about Plastic SCM.
  2. After a system reboot I finally managed to have Unity recognizing Plastic, but still I get the errors above when I try to reach the server
  3. I am a new user of this software, thanks in advance for your patience/helpfulness. I installed Plastic SCM Cloud Edition without issues, logged in using my account, and selected an existing project. I managed to push to cloud repository, so all all seemed to work ok until that point. But on Preferences>User Profile, I always get a red-font error on bottom: Cannot retrieve the profile from local:7178. Details: Can't resolve the remote name: 'local' Likewise, if I try to follow the tutorial-link to configure file locks at http://local:7178/configuration/lock-rules I get a "not resolved" error on my browser. I googled for these issues and all I found is some mention of PATH environment variable not getting the plastic paths, I checked and found that my PATH includes: C:\Program Files\PlasticSCM5\server and C:\Program Files\PlasticSCM5\client On Windows Services I see Plastic SCM Server and Plastic Change Tracker are running. Any ideas? EDIT: originally Unity wasn't detecting Plastic installation, now that seems to be solved but the problems above persist.
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