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Everything posted by 5xx7xx

  1. Every time I launch PlasticSCM I get a "An unexpected error has occurred" prompt. If I click "ok" on it, a new one pops up exactly the same. This repeats infinitely, the prompt never going away, blocking all use of the client. I've tried updating to the newest version and uninstall/reinstall, it did not help. I've checked the logs and "plastic.errors.log" in the server folder is filled with "Error in ProcessMethodCall for method GetRepositoryInfoByName. Limited by days evaluation license has expired." lines. I'm using a localhost server only, never used cloud. I'm storing the repos on a secondary drive so I've moved the jet folder there and changed the path in the server settings console. This worked fine for a few months, I think, just mentioning it in case it's somehow relevant. This affects only the main Plastic client. Gluon seems to be okay. I'm on Windows 10 and my use case is Unreal Engine 4.
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