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Posts posted by Twin17

  1. @calbzam Sorry to be here again.

    So here's what we've done in to solve the problem, but it's still not completely solved.

    We identified ALL the duplicated changesets and ran a script which iterated through the list to remove them.

    Still some are stuck and cannot be removed as they have children, and obviously said, the children are other bugged out changesets. (Example Below)




    Whenever we try to remove one of those it will give the following:




    Where can we go from here?

    Thanks in advance

  2. @calbzam Sorry for bringing up this post again. It seems there is another issue with the sync.

    So after the sync was done, we waited a bit, some commits and then synced again and this happened:
    - The sync fails with "/main [other 98 branches], have more than one head. Please merge them to be able to continue synchronizing" 
    - In the branch explorer commits are doubled (see screen below)


    Any clue as of why this may happen?

  3. 4 minutes ago, calbzam said:

    If I properly understand, you were able to sync the repo with GitHub but you are still facing this problem accessing the repo in Bitbucket via webUI? Can you let me know the steps to reproduce it?

    Steps were the usual, the same cm sync i stated in the OP.



    4 minutes ago, calbzam said:

    At this point point. I'm not 100% sure if the bug is with the Bitbucket webUI or if we can somehow avoid creating this empty "tags" folder. Anyway, can you confirm, if creating a test tag is avoiding the issue?

    Edit: Actually there are a lot of tags in the repo, so my guess was wrong, but at this point, what's the empty tags folder for? The same tags are also present on git, they were synced successfully.


  4. Hi Carlos, 
    After some more analyzing, and also thanks to the tests you let me do, i found the culprit of the error. I update here because it could be useful also for other people in the future.

    The last conclusion comes after my tests with current mainline version so:
    Also Bitbucket version: 7.20.0

    Basically the original PlasticSCM repository didn't contain any tags, so what happened was that the sync process created an empty "tags" folder in the .git data, for the repo. In this case, cloning the repo via Sourcetree did work, but the webUI (which is used for most collaboration tools) was giving a 500 Error.


    After removing that folder, modifying a random file to let it actually commit and push, makes everything work good again.

    @calbzam Is this something fixable/patchable? My first stupid idea would be to add a "gitsync" tag with the migration, if the repo has no tags.

  5. On 5/20/2022 at 1:13 PM, calbzam said:

    - I can see the operation is aborted with no additional errors. Not sure if we can make a test pusing the Plastic repo to GitHub instead.

    I also had a look at the logs, and yes can confirm. Sorry to say but probably it wouldn't be possible to upload the repo to GitHub, it's still private data.



    On 5/20/2022 at 1:13 PM, calbzam said:

    - How big is the repo database? I was guessing if you could share the repo with us for try and debug the same GitSync operation.

    Database in the folder rep_xxx is 1.12GB, so nothing too crazy big. If it's useful for you i can package and send that to you too.


  6. Oh, sorry there was the misunderstanding on my side.

    Will run with plastic logs enabled and send you the logs, thanks for the pointer for the docs.

    Anyway, the repo doesn't contain single files bigger than 400MB and LFS is active, so that shouldn't be too much of an issue.
    I will ask the dev responsible for the repo if we can make the github test.


  7. Hi all,
    I'm trying to sync / migrate a huge repo which was never migrated before to a private BitBucket instance, but the output gives out an error which is shown below

    ACTIVE... |
    - 0 changesets to pull
    - 26738 changesets to push
    ACTIVE... OK
    There are changes to push.
    The new item cannot be loaded in the workspace. Probably, the path is already used. Please unload the item (from the configuration view) and retry the operation.... OK
    Keep source changes (preserve the add and discard the move)... OK
    Error: Unable to read data from the transport connection: The connection was closed.B

    Steps taken to do the sync:
    - cm sync <refspec> git <repo> --user=user --pwd=password
    - cm sync <refspec> git <repo> --user=user --pwd=password --skipgitlfs
    - On GUI: Select Branch > Right Click > Pull > Sync with Git 

    Debugging steps i've tried:
    - Remaking the destination repo from scratch (also changing it)
    - Tracing the cm and git process (nothing unusual)
    - Checking the debug logs on bitbucket (see below)
    - Add the plasticpipeprotocol.conf file with various configurations
    - Test the process a whole lot of times 

    Meaningful Observations:
    - The files are actually packed and sent to the BitBucket server, as after recreating the repo and "failing" the process once, it shows the exact size of the repo on disk (and in the "DiskSize Calculator" in Bitbucket): 1,5GB ca.
    - The error below is repeated like a billion times in the debug log, all corresponding to the exact moment when the "upload" should be finalized

    error: Could not read 814070262e265e90dd2cdb9ea3d82146e0de2cf7
    fatal: Failed to traverse parents of commit 987b65accfa419b454a73e23ff84bc8709f7c984

    - Error happens both in UI and CLI

    Can someone help me or at least point me to other debugging steps i could do, or some workaround too!


  8. Hi all,
    I have a problem with the TeamCity plugin for Plastic. Cannot find the reason why, randomly, it starts trying to diff the cs:0 of a repo with its parent.

    A log for broader understanding:
    Failed to collect changes, error: Error collecting changes for VCS repository '"Project.Vcs.6" {instance id=21304, parent internal id=1753, parent id=Project_ProjectVcs6, description: "PlasticSCM: br:/main@Project.subproject@ssl://plasticserver.com:8088"}' Error getting diff info of 0: Can't diff cset cs:0@rep:Project.subproject@repserver:ssl://plasticserver.com:8088 because it doesn't have a parent. , VCS root: "Project.Vcs.6" {instance id=21304, parent internal id=1753, parent id=Project_ProjectVcs6, description: "PlasticSCM: br:/main@Project.subproject@ssl://plasticserver.com:8088"}

    In the end the only solution is to recreate the VCS root, and it starts working for a while.

    Can someone point me in the right direction?



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