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  1. Hey @calbzam, thanks for the quick answer! Here's a bit more details about our workflow using Unity. We do try to follow the one branch per task workflow. In the past, on perforce, It was useful to have a changelist with some local changes specific to me that accelerated my workflow. For example, I had local changes made to the shared parameters file to boot the game without some features to accelerate testing just on my workspace. In Plastic, If I have that changelist, I need to shelve it, change branch, then unshelve every time even though there are no changes on those files. If this is unavoidable, we might be able to have a workaround in Unity by not having this file on version control, but it's useful to have it there for other members that don't play with this game parameter file. Another thing that happens is that some plugins we use modify some files pretty often, either by cooking elements or by saving meta files. I'm guessing we could avoid this being an issue by not checking out those files ? I'm not 100% sure what's the difference between a "changed" file and a "checked-out" file either. We're new with Plastic, please let me know if there is something I'm missing! So far, our tests with Plastic are going well, there's just those small frictions that probably come from our habits of previous version control softwares Alexis
  2. Hi, I'm having the same issue as @pysnoo even with the option in preferences and being on the branches. It works when the file status are "changed", but not when they are "checked-out". Are there any advantages to checking out ? If I have checked-out files, Is there a way to automatically created a shelve with my changes when I attempt to change branch ? I'm just looking into ways to accelerate our workflows. I'm coming from Perforce and changing the state of your project while keeping your local changes is very simple and useful there.
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