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Everything posted by WheresRosco

  1. Ahh looking into this a bit more I can see that this functionality does exist but it seems like it is only in Gluon. I was using Plastic when trying to look for the feature mentioned in that post and couldn't find it so I was assuming it was only for diff / code reviews. It would be helpful if this feature got extended to support links to folders as well as files and to see it also supported in the Plastic GUI. I do notice that the link copied within gluon specifies ?ui=gluon in the url. Is it expected that everyone uses the same gui for the same repo? I feel like it would be better to have a default gui as a system setting instead of embedding it into the url.
  2. Our team is using a task board to track progress on tasks. It would be incredibly helpful if we could include links to specific files/folders related to those tasks. Something whereby you could right click on a file in the ui, choose "Copy Link", and get something that looked like: plastic://team/repos/MyRepo/path/to/folder which when clicked would open up the gui and highlight the file/folder
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