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Posts posted by ben

  1. When using changelists, it's possible to give each changelist a name and a comment.

    However when submitting changelists, PlasticSCM asks for a "Checkin comment" in the box at the top of the screen, even though there is already a description in the separate changelist. It would help a lot if PlasticSCM just used the text in each separate changelist (see screenshot).

    Also it's not clear right now if I have multiple changelists selected and hit "Checkin" do they all become separate checkins but with the same comment?

    Please could you improve changelist support in this way? Thank you


  2. I am trying to understand some of the output from Plastic's diff tool. I'm unsure what some of the hilighted areas are in this diff, when they appear to be identical.

    The main change from the left to the right here is the addition of the "Note" paragraph. But the "## How it works" appears to be flagged as different on the right, as well as the "to the other Unreal Engine" section even though the only bit that was changed is the "4" being removed.

    Can you explain a bit what the colours mean in this example and why some areas are flagged as different?


  3. Hi, to explain a bit, this is my current workflow.

    1. Switch to the feature branch (e.g. /main/somefeature)
    2. Right-click on /main/ and choose "merge from this branch to..."
    3. Choose my feature branch as the target
    4. Look through files, clicking "Merge Selected Files" and opening the merge tool for each.
    5. In the merge tool, click "save and exit"
    6. During the same merge operation, before clicking "Checkin merge!" I wish to see the merge tool state from step 5. Imagine I confirm a merge on a single file, but when I get to a later file, it causes me to want to re-think the choices I made in a previous file. How can I do this? Clicking "Mege Selected Files" does nothing?


  4. I downloaded an updated version of an Unreal Engine plugin from GitHub, deleted its old directory and in the same location with the same name, added the new directory. I selected all the changes that PlasticSCM had detected and chose "Undo unchanged".

    However 30+ plain-text files (C++ .cpp and .h files) that are identical are still being detected as "changed" by PlasticSCM (see screenshot).

    Using VimDiff shows that the two files are identical, but have different line encodings (see screenshot).

    "Undo unchanged" does not work for the example file. There is nothing in the GUI to indicate that this change is actually a change in line encoding.

    I have attached the old and new versions of the file for you to check.

    Many users would not understand that line encodings changing could be an issue, and the GUI does not explain what has changed. I think other version control software has more explicit options for dealing with line encoding.





    LuaCommandExecutor.old LuaCommandExecutor.new

  5. @tucny I have been having a lot of issues with the PlasticSCM merge tool, as well as when specifying external tools through the PlasticSCM settings.

    I cannot tell if the issues I am encountering are because:

    • a) The automatically suggested merges are "bad"
    • b) I am misunderstanding the merge tool, so I mistakenly think that the resulting merge will be good
    • c) A combination of a and b

    More information:

    • To address b) I have tried other tools, but I have still ended up with compile errors after a merge that I thought was good.
    • I have not been able to try all the tools that I prefer, including Vim, or just looking at the file output that includes >>>> and <<<<
    • I do not want to assume a) but b) makes it hard to understand the automatically created merges
    • I cannot show examples of a) without breaking NDA
    • There are examples where very small changes in a file can result in a very large set of diffs shown in the merge tool as it identifies incorrect correlations between versions of the file
  6. The standard advice is always "make sure you get the latest version of PlasticSCM" and it seems there is a new version every few days.

    As a user, this experience is really bad. I have to:
    1. Check my version
    2. Go to the website
    3. Find the download page
    4. Scroll down and find the tiny "Show changes in release:" text to see what the latest version is
    5. Parse the very long number to see if it is newer than my current version

    Please could you do one or more of the following:

    * Show if there new version is available somewhere in the app. Under the About page, or a little icon somewhere, something.
    * Clicking that should either update the app directly, or at least download the latest version


  7. I previously managed to get Vim added as a merge tool but now for some reason it is shown as not valid.



    I have used as many variations of the following exes and arguments and none of them work:

    • "c:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\vim82\gvim.exe" -c "wincmd J" -c "windo set wrap" "@output" "@destinationfile" "@basefile" "@sourcefile"
    • "c:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\vim82\vim.exe" -d -c "wincmd J" -c "windo set wrap" "@output" "@destinationfile" "@basefile" "@sourcefile"
    • "c:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\vim82\vimdiff.exe" "@destinationfile" "@basefile"

    Could you help?

    • Could you add some more helpful error messages when external tools are "not found"?
    • Could you show me the format required to get Vim as a merge tool?


  8. I often have to make big merge actions with 50+ files, and 20+ that have conflicts. I start the merge process, but then I have to move onto something else without finishing it. How can I get to the merge that I have started? The "Merge" button on the left is not there when I restart the app, and all the merge changes I made seem to be lost.

    How can I find the merge I started but did not complete?

  9. To follow up on this, a coworker showed me the "Add to cloaked list" and "Add to hidden changes list" features in the GUI, and the matching "cloaked.conf" and "hidden_changes.conf" files.

    I tried adding the files via the GUI and confirming that they were in the .conf files but it still says "1 new changeset available" and lists files that should be ignored

  10. Thanks @ollieblanks!

    In our case the programmers would like to avoid having to "get latest" every time the DLLs are updated.

    I tried changing the workspace set-up in Gluon to ignore all DLLs, and it seemed to work, but when I swapped back to the full Plastic SCM GUI it required me to update to "Full mode", and it downloaded all the DLLs. So this doesn't really solve our problem unfortunately. It would be great if the full GUI supported partial workspaces.

    I tried the new new GUI and it seems to have the same issues.

  11. I am coming to PlasticSCM from Perforce, so I'm sorry if this is something that doesn't work in PlasticSCM.

    I would love to be able to customize which files are in my local view onto the workspace. For example our workspace contains some files that are only used by programmers, and others that are only used by artists. It would help us a lot if artists could make their local workspaces only refer to a subset of the server workspace, and vice-versa for programmers.


    /Project/General/ <= Artists & programmers can see this
    /Project/OnlyForProgrammers/ <= Artists can make their workspace not download this and not care about merges etc.
    /Project/OnlyForArtists/ <= Programmers can make their workspace not download this and not care about merges etc.

    Is this possible? How would we do it?

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