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Posts posted by matmalm

  1. 2 hours ago, calbzam said:

    Hi @matmalm, you will need to enter the filetypes:






    It doesn't work for me.

    cm purge register ".asset" "2022-Dec-21 13:40" --repository=xxx

    It shows me the usage on how to do it (I already allow it the purge option in the repository):



  2. On 1/5/2023 at 4:06 PM, Rafael said:


    I missed a "-" in the --file part of the command, it is a double dash like this:

    cm archive $(cm find revisions "where date >= 'one month ago' on repository 'Repo@Cloud@cloud' ") -c="old revisions" --file=/Documents/UFPel/2021-2

    Also, you might need to use PowerShell if you are using windows to support the $ syntax, I forgot to mention.

    Please first try only the cm find rev command to verify that this is the information you want to archive.





    Unity Plastic SCM Support
    Virtualize your Workspace. Make it dynamic.

    I get this error. When I execute cm find rev on the date it gives me the right results though.


  3. On 12/9/2022 at 12:34 PM, AndyAces said:

    Hi Rafael, I can finally get the cm find command to work but the archive command does not.  I get this erro:-


    D:\PlasticArchive>cm archive $(cm find "revs where size > 26214400 on repository 'TLG2020@AndyNeoman@cloud' ")
    $(cm does not exist.

    I got the same issue, could you solved it?

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Rafael said:



    No, we do not encourage deletion of chagesets even when its possible from the GUI, you certainly can affect users workspace conditions by doing so (If someone is pointing to a deleted changeset).

    I would recommend the second option (Archive revisions) and only proceed with changeset or repository deletions when 100% sure you are not going to need the repos or change sets again and you are not going to mess someone else work.



    Unity Plastic SCM Support
    Virtualize your Workspace. Make it dynamic.

    Al right, thank you. Then I might go for the first as I'm the only member of the workspace.

  5. 3 hours ago, Rafael said:


    You have two options, deleting repositories or archiving revisions.

    To delete repositories you need to go to the repositories view in the client, right-click on the desired repo, and then delete.

    You can delete it from the PlasticSCM client, but the storage amount used will only update until the next billing period.

    If you want to keep the repositories but remove just some revisions we have the trim feature, we released the "cm archive" feature for the cloud servers:

    Here you can have more information in detail:

    This way you can reduce space use.



    Unity Plastic SCM Support
    Virtualize your Workspace. Make it dynamic.

    By deleting repositories, you mean delete changesets?

    So, I just go to the Plastic client, click on changesets and select one to delete?

    Is this safe in the way that it will not affect my current changes?

  6. 12 minutes ago, calbzam said:

    I would select to keep the destination changes so your changes are discarded and you may be able to have a clean workspace pointing to the head of the branch.

    Later you should be able to re-apply your changes (please backup everything that it's not commited and you don't want to lose).



    Al right, thank you. I updated the workspace, so I have no more conflicts, however the issue did delete every object in the hierarchy of a scene and having updated the workspace hasn't solved it.

  7. 8 minutes ago, calbzam said:

    I can see a "wkcorruption" file in your shared folder related to the power outage.

    Process name: Unity
    Process image: C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2021.3.6f1\Editor\Unity.exe
    Process started: 2022.
    Error: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
    Parameter name: index
    StackTrace:   at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].get_Item (System.Int32 index) [0x00009] in <e40e5a8f982c4b618a930d29f9bd091c>:0 
      at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].System.Collections.IList.get_Item (System.Int32 index) [0x00000] in <e40e5a8f982c4b618a930d29f9bd091c>:0 
      at Codice.CM.WorkspaceServer.DataStore.WkTree.ReadLegacyWorkspaceTree.ReadNode (Codice.CM.Common.Serialization.PlasticBinaryReader reader, System.Collections.IList repSpecs, System.Collections.IList seids, Codice.CM.WorkspaceServer.IWorkspaceRevisionInfoCache cache, Codice.CM.WorkspaceServer.DataStore.WkTree.LegacyWorkspaceTreeOptions+Options options) [0x00018] in <98f66477eed44bb782eb0c301b0da195>:0 
      at Codice.CM.WorkspaceServer.DataStore.WkTree.ReadLegacyWorkspaceTree.ReadFromStream (System.Byte version, System.IO.Stream stream, Codice.CM.WorkspaceServer.IWorkspaceRevisionInfoCache revisionCache) [0x00026] in <98f66477eed44bb782eb0c301b0da195>:0 
      at Codice.CM.WorkspaceServer.DataStore.WkTree.ReadLegacyWorkspaceTree.Read (System.Byte version, System.Int32 treeSize, System.IO.FileStream fileStream, System.Byte[] dataBuffer, System.Int32 dataOffset, System.Int32 dataSize, Codice.CM.WorkspaceServer.IWorkspaceRevisionInfoCache revisionCache) [0x00043] in <98f66477eed44bb782eb0c301b0da195>:0 
      at Codice.CM.WorkspaceServer.WorkspaceTreeDataStore.ReadWorkspaceContentFromFile (System.String filePath, System.String wkPath, Codice.CM.WorkspaceServer.IWorkspaceRevisionInfoCache revisionCache, Codice.Utils.Buffers.FlexibleBufferPool bufferPool) [0x000f0] in <98f66477eed44bb782eb0c301b0da195>:0 
      at Codice.CM.WorkspaceServer.WorkspaceTreeDataStore.ReadWorkspaceTreeContent (Codice.CM.Common.WorkspaceInfo wkInfo, System.String wkTreeFile, Codice.CM.WorkspaceServer.IWorkspaceRevisionInfoCache revisionCache, Codice.Utils.Buffers.FlexibleBufferPool bufferPool) [0x00008] in <98f66477eed44bb782eb0c301b0da195>:0 

    I would update the workspace first to to point again to the head of the branch. But please backup your pending changes first.




    Which option should I select to resolve the directory conflicts?
    I need to do that before the update

    evil twin.png

  8. 1 hour ago, calbzam said:


    I'm guessing if these outage also affected to the workspace metadata so it's not properly tracking now what changeset/branch is your workspace pointing.

    The workspace metadata folder is the ".plastic" folder in the root of the workspace. Can you attach it?

    For that reason, it's asking you to update your worksapce (probably it's considering you are in changeset:0).

    If you have some pending to checkin changes, I would backup them and then update the workspace to the head of the branch (or even redownload the project from scratch if it's not a big project).

    Best reagrds,


    I sent you the folder through a DM.

    For now, should I push changes and the hit update, or just hit update? The project is 140 GB, so I guess it's better than to redownload everything.


    (Unity 2021.3.6)

    Hello, today my electricity went off shutting down my computer with Unity open, however when I turned on my pc again and open Unity, it started reimporting everything in the project all over again showing me every folder in the project with the 'Private' symbol, and even corrupted one of my scenes files erasing everything in the hierarchy.

    It is also having some conflicts, but not sure what to press to make things back as how they were. I don't share Plastic with more users, and I have only 1 computer where the project is.



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