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San Jacobs

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Everything posted by San Jacobs

  1. I tried to checkout a branch that a coworker had been working on, and I think all the changes Plastic made to get me over to said branch ended up in my pending changes? In either case, I've got 884 pending changes I didn't do. If I try to undo them, I get: "The revision to load was not found" If I try to jump to a different branch, or reload the current one, I get: "Cannot preform the switch to branch/label/changeset/shelve since there are pending changes. Please review the pending changes and retry the operation again." If I try to shelve the changes, I get: Cant add an entry with the same name. Duplicated child [chapter_button.pretab]. Parent [AMenu] If I try to commit the changes to some throw-away branch, I get: There has been an error "The item should be found on the server tree. Child [Little moments-1.png.meta]. Parent [cooking sprites]". For more information Check the server log. If I try undoing the changes specifically to the files mentioned in that error: It will let me, but then throw the same error again, with new files. Maybe following that trail for long enough will eventually let me commit to a throw-away branch, but I really feel like there should be a better solution than this. Is there? (I've obviously already tried pressing any and all refresh/reload/update/spinny-arrow-icon-buttons in the program, but this changed nothing) EDIT: I've just re-downloaded the whole project, sidestepping the problem, but I am now very weary of changing branches. Whatever this was, I hope it doesn't happen again.
  2. Title says most of it. A coworker submitted a massive changeset that affected most of the files in the project, including the ones I was working on. In my infinite wisdom, I decided to do the merge without committing my work first. The merge went badly, but couldn't find a way to undo this. Now, my work is trapped in a changeset along with a bunch of broken files from the merge. Is there a way to create a new changeset where the merge is undone? How do I rescue my work?
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