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Sync Replication bug/ommission


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I encountered a small 'bug' (or ommission) in the Sync Replication part of the client.

If you add remote target repository to a already present source, the resulting dialog's select server combobox only contains the local server and not already entered (and prefereable on the valid) remote servers. As I have to enter an almost complete Active Directory name it's pretty annorying. I can live with a list of (remote) servers already present in the syncview.

It would furthermore be nice if there was a way to search for remote servers in the same network (or reachable through a vpn).


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I probably forgot to read that part of the manual. Thanks (saves me a lot of typing)!

Btw is there a way to have the sync create a new repository remotely to sync with (I would like to sync home with work and do not fancy copying database files and mount them under the correct name for every new repository I create (got already 50+ of them so had to create a batch file to copy/mount them at the remote side).

Another scenario for this would be to use a central server as backup of local repo's. I'm not talking large number of developers here but one or a couple at most.


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Hi wvd_vegt,

To create a remote replica of your local repository you don't need to copy databases or worry about names. Think you want to replicate your local repo MyWorkRepo at your home:

1.- You can create a new (empty) repository remotely through the "Repositories" view: ("Create new repository" button) and specify a name, let's say: "MyWorkRepoReplica" (as you can see names don't have to match) and also, the url to the remote Plastic Server.

2.- Create a new Sync view between the local and remote repositories: MyWorkRepo as source and MyWorkRepoReplica as target (or vice versa).

Then, just sync both repos, and it's done.

I hope I've answered your question :)

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Small remark on the functionality/usability (btw it works like charm and lets possible errors of copying databases on top of each other dissapear).

It would be nice if collapsed sync pair would show some status that there is someting to look at. As i have 50 or so repo's i will probably end up with as many sync relationships and then the user interface of the client is limited.


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