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Switching workspace does not delete folders not in the target workspace


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I'm switching my workspace from one changeset (the current) to another (the target). In the current, there are folders that are not in the target. After the switch, all the files in the workspace are correct for the target. However, the folders that exist in the current but not the target are left in the workspace.

Of course then when I look at Pending Changes (while workspace is set to target) there are folders listed as needing to be Added.

Why? Is this by design or a bug? Doesn't seem right to me and will be a big pain.



Using: PlasticSCM - Liverpool on both client and server.

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Hi Greg,

If, when you are in the current changeset, those files in your workspace are private (i.e.: not controlled by Plastic), they will be left when you switch to the target changeset. On the other hand, if those files where controlled, they should be removed when the switch is performed.

Is this last situation your case?

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This is the case. Within the folders that exist in the current changeset, there are private/ignored files. It makes sense that they would not be removed.

Okay, now how do you typically handle this? I'm almost always going to have this condition when new folders are being added in a branch and are not in other branches. I don't want to see them as suggested ADDs in other branches (at least not until later when I merge).

Of course, I could use separate workspaces in some conditions. But is there a better way?

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You can set the pending changes view to not to show those private or ignored items. In the pending changes view, click on the "Options" button. You will get a new dialog where you can uncheck "Show private items". In this way you will not be asked to add those items, but you are still able to do it in the Items view.

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What I really need is an option to ignore folders that have files (or child folders have files) but the files are ALL private & ignored. This is the case. The folders have bin folders with *.pdb and *.dll files (and other miscellaneous files) all of which are ignored. This way I would still see legitimately ADDED folders with real content (private) that I need to add in the "target" branch.

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A workaround to get what you want is to add those directories to the "ignore.conf" file. In this way, they will not be shown in the pending changes view if they are not in the current changeset, but they will behave as normal controlled file in case they are present in that changeset. Notice you only have to add a rule for the directory, and not for the files inside them, so add:


And don't add:

$workspace/path/to/the/dir/* (which is automatically added when you do it from the GUI)


The option to ignore folders with just ignored files is an interesting suggestion. We will study the possibility to add it for future releases of Plastic.

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