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Backup and Restore

Francisco Prieto

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Forgive but my English is not very good.

Every month of 2016 towards a backup of the repositories following next method with Plastic's version that I installed in 2014.

  1. Stop Plastic server: plasticd --stop.
  2. Backup the database files. You can find them in the server installation directory or in the database path specified during the database setup. The database files are repositories_plastic.* and rep_**_plastic.*.
  3. Start Plastic server again: plasticd --start.

Last week my PC was hung and I lost all my information, nevertheless there was sure that could do a restore of my repositories with the following steps:

  1. Stop Plastic server: plasticd --stop.
  2. Copy all the backup files to the server installation directory or to the database path you want (remember to set the right setting for the database path in the db.conf file). If you want to restore only one repository, restore only the rep_xx_plastic.* file for that repository. The repositories_plastic.* file contains the list of repositories that are registered on the system, while the rep_xx_plastic.* files contain the data for each repository.
  3. Start Plastic server again: plasticd --start.

But for my surprise the names of the repositories had changed, already they were not calling rep_xx_plastic.* but rep_xx.plastic.* and the container of repositories was not calling repositories_plastic.* but repositories.plastic.*.

The restore don't work and therefore I cannot recover the information.
It is necessary to have a tool of backup and restore for these cases, since hereby I lose EVERYTHING.

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Hi Francisco,


I guess you had a modified db.conf, could that be the case? Otherwise the naming should be the same.


Onto your problem:

* Yes, definitely, you should backup db.conf too. But, anyway, your data can be easily recovered. At most what you need to do is to rename a few files, or set the right rules inside db.conf :-)

* I don't agree we need a "tool for backup". We rely on standard methods precisely to avoid using one. You can backup your databases with standard tools, etc.





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