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Plastic SCM Docker Image & Lock config Files


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Hi, I am currently evaluating Plastic SCM via the Docker image https://hub.docker.com/r/plasticscm/server/  for our Unity development team,
Plastic SCM Docker container will be hosted on a Synology NAS. We have read and followed the guidelines posted here
http://blog.plasticscm.com/2015/01/plastic-meets-docker.html and have successfully gotten Plastic SCM working. 

Although, I cannot seem to configure the Plastic SCM Docker container to support EXCLUSIVE LOCKING via lock.conf files
I have created the lock.conf file, as done in the past, and copied it to the exposed Docker Volume /config and /conf -
which is linked to /opt/plasticscm5/server in the plasticscm/server container.

This does not work - I have tried several ways - looked online - I think that I am doing this incorrectly :) 

I am hoping someone in the community has succeeded in implementing exclusive locking in the Docker container,  if so - 
could you please enlighten me with regards to the correct approach to successfully enable exclusive locking? 

Many thanks in advance.



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You can check the logs to see if the file is being considered or not (you can compare to your regular setup).


Have you changed the "lockserver" thing in the lock.conf? I bet this is the issue :-)


Otherwise, we will look into it in more detail.


By the way, it would be *awesome* if you could write a guest blogpost about how you set up Synology + all this... we would love to publish on our website. Sounds good?

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Hi, thanks for the reply. 
Yes, I tried two things with the lockserver, I used the synology ip address i.e. and i tried the internal docker ip address

172.xx. Sadly neither worked. I am going over the Docker setup once more - from scratch - maybe I missed something. If, I 

succeed - I will happily do a blog post on my solution. 



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