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PlasticSCM, Synology and support

Stewart Gilray

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Hi all,

here at JAW, we're looking at moving to PlasticSCM from Perforce (YAY), however we're ideally looking to install it on a new Synology box.

We understand that, at this time, there isn't an official Package for Synology as such it's a custom install, however my question is, if we have issues with Plastic once it's installed and running will we still be good for support from Plastic, or do you guys say "you installed on an official not supported platform, so you're on your own".

Thanks in advance.


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We can help you, no prob.

We don't have a package, we would love to. Others have installed already, but they didn't blog post :(. If you feel like recording the steps, we'd love to publish it on our blog as guest blogger :P or you can publish it on your own too.

Plastic runs fine even on a BananaPi with SSD (and using Jet as repository storage). By the way, it all depends on the load.

So, in short: feel free to contact us and we'll help

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  • 3 weeks later...


we are running our Plastic Server on a Synology DiskStation DS1515+ for almost a year now - no big problems so far :)
I wrote down some notes/findings about the setup a while ago:

The setup got easier in the meantime, since an updated Mono package is now available in Synology's package center. So the installation comes down to installing the latest Mono package (4.6.2 at the time of writing) in DSM, downloading the latest server binaries (https://www.plasticscm.com/download/ and extracting them on the DiskStation (we created a dedicated "plasticscm" user in DSM and put the server binaries in the home directory).

In our setup there are 2 things I changed from the server binaries download:

  • scripts/loader.log.conf
    • I put all the logfiles in a "logs" subdirectory
  • scripts/remoting.conf
    •  it's still using the older TCP channels and I wanted to use the newer "PlasticProto" protocol

Currently I only have 1 new issue since my update to the latest server - the new webadmin can't be used since I did not yet manage to install the required "libuv" on the DiskStation. If anyone already was able to do so please let me know ;)

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