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Triggers not working for Slack, Discord, or Webhooks - Cloud

Jason Wen

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Hi, we are trying to set up "after-checkin" and "after-mkbranch" triggers through Slack, Discord, and/or webhooks under the new feature mentioned in this post in General for our Cloud Edition:

We had followed the below guides to set up on Slack, Discord, Webhooks on automate.io, Microsoft Teams, etc. to the dot, but we receive no notifications from the already set up triggers from all of these medias:



We have also used command prompt with "cm trigger create <trigger> <trigger_name> "webtrigger <webhook_URI>" --server=<company>@cloud" and confirmed the triggers were visible under the web portal after confirmation, and we still do not see any notifications being triggered and posted onto the different medias we set up. Can someone please assist and let us know what needs to be set up for cloud?


Thank you in advance.


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Hi @Jason Wen,

I have just tested an after checkin trigger for Slack, Discord and Webhooks (using https://webhook.site/) created via the Plastic SCM Cloud Dashboard and they all worked seamlessly for me.

For your Slack trigger, can you confirm that you have created a Slackbot with the correct permissions as mentioned in this post and that your Slackbot has been added to the channel where it is going to post?

For your Webhook, can you please create a test trigger via the Cloud Dashboard using a webhook URK from https://webhook.site/ and let me know if you receive the payload?


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Hi @ollieblanks,

Thank you for your response.

For the Slack trigger, the Slackbot has the correct permissions as the ones mentioned in the post and the Slackbot has been added to the channel where it is going to post.

For the Webhook, I have created a test trigger via the Cloud Dashboard from https://webhook.site/ for the past couple of days, but I still have not received any payload. We definitely had check-ins and new branches created during those times.

Is there a way we can confirm if our cloud organization is firing off the triggers?

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To close the loop on this thread, Jason and I met and we found that Microsoft Teams was not accepting the payload graciously and causing all triggers to fail. Once we removed the offending trigger we were able to get others to execute properly.

Thanks for your time troubleshooting Jason and good luck with the future!

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