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How to add developer to one exact project not the whole cloud ?


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  • 4 months later...

Off the top of my head:

- Remove them from Developers (they are added by default.. ha ha, be quick!)

- Create a new group for that project.

- Add them (and anyone else!) to that group.

- Go into the repo user permissions in the client (I think this changed with the new GUI)

- Add that group to the project repo

- Make the permissions match Developer

I believe that's all of the steps. I should really make a quick guide or something for this...

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  • 1 year later...

Hello @astanid😇

You can try to use these steps to add a developer to a particular project without giving them access to the whole cloud

  • First login your account .
  • Proceed to the particular project where the developer is to be added.
  • Locate the settings and permissions section for the project.
  • To add a new user and collaborator select this option.
  • Provide the developer email address and make sure they are assigned a role that is specific to the project.
  • Verify the changes and save it.
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