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"No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it" error after updating client


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I have a small project stored locally on my desktop. Today, I was about to check in my code as I do daily, and I saw a message that I needed to upgrade my client, which I did. When the program restarted, I recieved the error above. I tried rebooting my machine. I also checked my services and ensured that the Plastic Server is running. I'm not sure what went wrong but now I can't check-in my code at all, which is not okay. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for getting back to me, I assumed no one would at this point. 

I needed to find a solution two weeks ago, so I ended up deleting the local workspace and created a new one on the cloud, and connected to that. Unforunately that means I lost any versioning up until that point, but fortunately I'm still in the fairly early phases of coding this project and I don't think there was anything so far that I'd need to go back to. 


If you have any tips on what to do should that ever happen again, I'd appreciate them. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @toddhd,

Apologies for the waiting.  In the case you are not receiving your response after a certain time in the matter of urgent issue, creating a ticket and reaching out to us is an option. Our team is trying to respond to the forum as soon as possible, sometimes it gets delayed.

If you still have the local server's database, syncing from the local repo to cloud one is an option. In that way, you can sync the history of the local server to cloud repo. 

Here's the link for you https://www.plasticscm.com/documentation/gui/plastic-scm-version-control-gui-guide#Chapter23:TheSynchronizationview

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  • 1 year later...

Often, connectivity issues arise when something is hindering access to a specific port or hostname. This obstruction can be due to a firewall blocking the connection or the service-hosting process not listening on the designated port. This could result from the service not running, or it might be listening on an alternative port. Consequently, establishing a connection becomes impossible.

To diagnose the problem, you can try running the netstat -anb command from the command line to check if anything is listening on the intended port. If it returns no results, consider changing the port number. In Windows operating systems, you can use the netstat command via the command line (cmd.exe), while on Linux, you may need to use netstat -anp.

Occasionally, when the target machine 'actively refuses' the connection, it could be because the server's 'backlog' is full. In such cases, you might consider increasing the server's backlog, but it's also essential to implement retry logic in your client code to handle this situation. This is necessary because even with an extended backlog, the server could be handling numerous other requests on the same port at that time.


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