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A server change


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First, ensure that no checkouts are left on any of the workspaces (use the "view all checkouts" option on the toolbar, or cm findcheckouts --all on the command line). Either check them in or uncheckout.

Then install Plastic SCM in the new machine, be sure to select the server component. When the installer asks to configure and start the server, uncheck those options.

Copy *.fdb files from the data path (by default the server installation directory, c:\program files\plasticscm\server\) to the same place on the new machine. Also copy the server.conf file on the server installation folder to the new machine.

Now start the plastic service either from the services applet on the control panel, or from the command line with "loader --start"

Your new server should be running now, with the worksapce and repository data from the previous one.

Just configure your clients (plastic --configure, or the configure client option in the start menu) to point to the new server.

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