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Adding the upgraded plugin to UE 5.0 breaks builds because of the duplicate plugin, but removing the old one breaks the build too?


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I followed the installation instructions in the plugin, which includes installing the updated plugin to C:\Program Files\Epic Games\5.0\Engine\UE4PlasticPlugin That caused the following issue when I try to build. 

UnrealBuildTool : error : Found 'PlasticSourceControl' plugin in two locations (C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.0\Engine\Plugins\Developer\PlasticSourceControl\PlasticSourceControl.uplugin and C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.0\Engine\Plugins\UE4PlasticPlugin\PlasticSourceControl.uplugin). Plugin names must be unique.


So, I tried deleting the old plugin at C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.0\Engine\Plugins\Developer\PlasticSourceControl but then I get this error instead 

UnrealBuildTool : error : Expecting to find a type to be declared in a module rules named 'XmlParser2' in UE5Rules, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null.  This type must derive from the 'ModuleRules' type defined by Unreal Build Tool.

So... it seems like I'm pretty stuck here? How do I get around this? 

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I am sorry that I didn't see your post earlier. In case of an urgent issue, please create a support ticket are these are answered much faster.

For future reference, you are talking about the instruction in the readme in Github, https://github.com/PlasticSCM/UEPlasticPlugin#plugin-setup;

  1. Either:
    1. Unzip the content of the ZIP directly at the root of your project folder. This creates a "Plugins/UEPlasticPlugin/" subdirectory into your project. This is the way to go to use Plastic SCM only on a specific project.
    2. Unzip the content of the ZIP in the Engine/ directory of UE4.x directly for all your projects (for instance "C:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.25\Engine") This creates a "UEPlasticPlugin" folder into the "Plugins/" subdirectory. This is the way to enable Plastic SCM for all Unreal Engine projects.

I do recommend the first method in most case, especially if you mainly have one project, and as a way to share the plugin with other team members if you can & want.

Method 2. is in fact now outdated since the plugin already ship in UE5; you can still update it, but you have to first delete the version in C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.0\Engine\Plugins\Developer\PlasticSourceControl.

I'll try to reproduce the issue you faced by doing so, and then I'll update the readme accordingly and notify you here.

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As a first feedback, following blindly the readme setup steps with UE5.0 doesn't prevent me to open the project. Looking at logs there is a warning, but by chance it picks the more recent version of the plugin;


LogPluginManager: Warning: Plugin 'PlasticSourceControl' exists at '../../../Engine/Plugins/UEPlasticPlugin/PlasticSourceControl.uplugin' and '../../../Engine/Plugins/Developer/PlasticSourceControl/PlasticSourceControl.uplugin' - second location will be ignored

Packaging does fail


UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): ERROR: System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: PlasticSourceControl

As well as adding source code and trying to build from Visual Studio


1>UnrealBuildTool : error : Found 'PlasticSourceControl' plugin in two locations (C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.0\Engine\Plugins\Developer\PlasticSourceControl\PlasticSourceControl.uplugin and C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.0\Engine\Plugins\UEPlasticPlugin\PlasticSourceControl.uplugin). Plugin names must be unique.


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Hello, I fixed the .uplugin file and improved a bit the readme with more details on the procedure to update the plugin in Engine.

I had to remove "XmlParse2" from the uplugin file so it's possible to use the plugin from the Engine/ dir as documented in the readme.


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