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We put some extra effort to include many bug fixes, and improvements into this one + added integration to a couple of CI tools, Release notes clearly indicates it!

Also a blog post regarding this release highlighting just few things; published at: http://codicesoftware.blogspot.com/2011/03/plastic-scm-release-3019.html

The release notes for

External Release (February 28th 2011)



Team City plugin: Plastic SCM includes a Team City plugin to allow

users perform VCS operations from this continuous integration tool.

To install it, copy the zip plugin in the BuildServer folder of

TeamCity and restart the TeamCity server.


Shell Extension: Include the annotate view. Now, when right clicking

on an item, users will be able to annotate that item.


Search boxes in difftool, mergetool, code review and annotate view:

Now not only the buttons are clickable, but also the labels area.


filetypes.conf now supports file names without extension, such as

Makefiles. Also it supports regular expressions.


Mantis integration: reviewed to support the latest version (1.2.4).


When Plastic SCM is configured to work with a task control on task on

changeset mode, the check in dialog now allows including recent

comments, as the usual check in dialog.


Visual Studio integration: Added support for solution folders.


Installers: The SCC Plugin has been moved down in the list and it is

not selected by default in windows installations, to avoid installing

both SCC Plugin and Visual Studio package by mistake.


Branches that included an apostrophe in their names were not usable.

Fix: now this condition is checked and Plastic SCM does not permit

creating branches with apostrophes.


When diffing identical revisions a message with the caption "Error" was

shown. Fix: Now the caption is "Information". Also, several

usability changes have been made on the mergetool main dialog to check

that the contributors are not empty.


The command setowner was failing if a workspace was used as argument,

because Plastic SCM does not have workspace permissions since

version 2.9.


Annotate view: there was a problem with the scroll synchronization

between the metadata panel and the content file panel when the mouse

wheel was used to scroll up and down.


Adding items from the GUI in Linux was failing sometimes. This was a

Mono issue related to return the focus to the parent window when the

Comments dialog was prompted. Fixed.


The update report message "Can't load root item..." has been improved

to include more information about the causes of the error. In addition

to this, if the user clicked on 'retry update' an assert false was

reported. Fixed.


Selecting a file and a directory and performing an add operation from

the GUI did not add the directory recursively. Fixed: now the user can

add recursively or non-recursively when a directory is selected.


Sometimes when the GUI was opened, the views were not properly loaded.

The current workspace contained the stored views of a different

workspace. Fixed.


Several views and dialogs were not resized correctly. Fixed.


Plastic server: the installservice option was not working correctly

because it was setting daemon.dll as executable. Fixed.


Active Directory authentication: Plastic SCM was directing all the user

queries to the central server instead of a remote (local) one if

existed. This was causing performance problems. Fixed.


Code review: description textbox has been changed to a label to improve

the resizing; it's also possible to copy to clipboard the text shown.

Finally, these changes fix a flickering issue when resizing the window.


When diffing items from the merge dialog or the tree, the difftool was

opened embedded as a Plastic SCM view (when this setting was configured

this way), which was not usable, since the difftool was opened behind

the dialog. Fix: now the diff is opened as a separate window when it is

called from the merge dialog or the 3D tree.


When clicking on the 'X' button to close the add cloak rules dialog or

ignore rules the action was performed instead of being cancelled.



Branch Explorer: When a "current branches on workspace" conditional

format rule was applied, the highlighted branch was not refreshed

correctly when a switch to branch was performed from the branches view.

Fix: every time a switch to branch operation is executed from the

branches view, the branch explorer is refreshed automatically.


Branch Explorer: When the last two changesets on a branch had exactly

the same date, the latest was drawn outside the branch. Fixed.


Shell Extension: Performance problems noticed on the Windows Explorer

related to external drives (especially floppy disks) and network

mapped drives when the Shell Extension was installed. Fixed.


Visual Studio integration: There was a problem when the workspace that

contains a solution binded to Plastic SCM was deleted. Then, when

the solution was opened in Visual Studio and the user executed a

Refresh Status operation a null was reported. Fixed.


Visual Studio integration: The pending changes view should only show

private, changed and checked out items that are inside the opened

solution. Fixed.

Best Regards,

Codice Staff

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